IIC Praises Humanitarian Efforts By Celebrities

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The Islamic Information Center would like to acknowledge actors Brad Pritt and Angelina Jolie for their generous donation to help children affected by the war in Iraq. According to the Education Partnership for Children of Conflict, which Jolie co-chairs, the hollywood couple is distributing a total of $1 million through the Jolie-Pitt Foundation.This incredible gesture of charity is deeply appreciated by the Islamic community, and we would like to congratulate Jolie and Pitt for such a munificent act.

The money Jolie and Pitt donated will be sent to four different organizations that aid children who have lost homes, school, or even parents. The money Jolie and Pitt donated will be sent to four different organizations that aid children who have lost homes, school, or even paretnts—including both kids in Iraq and the U.S. These organizations include Women for Women International, which gives school materials and essential needs to women and children; the International Rescue Committee, which restores schools; NineMillion.org, which provides books and uniforms to 2,000 children; and the Armed Services YMCA Operation Hero Program, which provides military families with counseling and a way to improve their education.

This is not the first time that the couple have donated a large sum of money towards a great cause. Last year the two hollywood stars gave $300,000 to aid Darfur refugees. The Islamic Information Center is thankful for the big hearts of these two celebrites, and hope to see others follow their lead.

The Islamic Information Center, under the guidance of Imam Syed Naqvi, works to bring understanding among people of all faiths and background in an attempt to build bridges for the future to prevent hate crimes through education and tolerance. IIC also works to correct any misinformation about matters relating to the Holy Religion of Islam.

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